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RE: First Stats Update on my way to 5000 HivePower and 2500 LeoPower

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Awesome job on your Leo goal! Hive I'm sure you'll get there in time. I've set some target goals but I haven't set a monthly target. Mostly because I don't know what's possible. I'm not overly active about posting but I do enjoy the gaming and I am trying to do better about posting. Epically commenting. That's why I'm glad I found listnerds. It's helping me build up my comments. Lol
Far as rhythms.. I have same issues.
I'm not working much right now, not to mention everything else that's gone on this past year (or 2).. but my sleep is thrown way off. I could sleep all the time or barely any at all like 3-4hr tops.
I personally enjoy being up early. But waking up at 3am is a bit too early so I end up napping. Which doesn't help me either staying on a normal sleep schedule. But, I know this year will be better. Slowly but surely things will resolve (kid issues)and get back to normal life again.
Anyways, best of luck on your goals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


What's listnerds? Care to throw more light?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Listnerds is a blockchain emailing affiliated marketing tool.
I've not sent any emails but I read other emails that are sent and comment.
It takes the stress out of it for me. I don't have to try and find something to read lol it's sent to me. Sure, there's some spam. I follow the links and close them and delete. But the ones sending me to hive post.. those are the ones I'm after. To interact with others.
You can send your own emails, promoting your post too. I believe you can send 1 free email week I believe but they do have monthly packages for purchase. If I continue staying active posting, I am considering getting one.

Anyways, hope this helped. And if you're interested please consider using my link.

Thanks for taking out the time to enlighten me. Quite helpful but, I'll be checking out the site for more information

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for your comment, and I understand what you're saying. Yes, engaging will also draw more eyes to your account. That's for sure.

Hmmm, the thingy that is going on for two years now, I prefer not to think about it too much. But yes, it is affecting every person. I hope we can beat it and get back to normal, if anyone still knows what is supposed to be normal?

Wishing you also the best of luck on your goals, and thank you for the pizza!

Yes the other 2 year thing I also try not to think about either. Unfortunately, my oldest child was injured couple years ago and been dealing with that, and all the downfalls associated with it. Finally this year tho we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. His health is fine now, he's back to work, soon his baby will be with him... and so on. It's been a mess