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RE: You Don't Have To Convince Others .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 169

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Firstly, with my little understanding, Hive is a great platform and a wonderful place to be. Well, if something is really good, we would not have to force people to join or make use of it. At the same time, Hive is somewhat complex for beginners and that’s why it is usually necessary to bring people and also guide them. Why do you think we have so many new accounts that are inactive? It isn’t because the platform is bad but because they don’t understand how it works


that’s why it is usually necessary to bring people and also guide them. Why do you think we have so many new accounts that are inactive? It isn’t because the platform is bad but because they don’t understand how it works

New users are coming to the platform for different reasons and sometimes just from curiosity... In my opinion, we are failing on the step when we should show people around when they are already signed up! Show them all the possibilities of how they can grow, where to find communities of their interests, hubs for meetups (even virtual ones), maybe "workshops" about HIVE and how it works, etc.

That's something that I try to do in my posts, or in my #HHHLive shows in the Ecency discord... Of course, there is a % of people who don't want to learn or aren't interested in the community, and for them, there is no "good way" to keep them... But, there are many that don't know where to search and where to begin, and they want to learn... Those people should be our focus!