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RE: Understanding the Underlying Value of Cryptocurrency

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Crypto currency is best for our generation
This is because we are now in a digital world
Everything is now digital
Unlike before where communication and other things where hard
Crypto currency has helped lots of people including me
There are so many crypto currency out there and more to come
You mine currencies and also trade
By trading I mean investing some certain amount of money and get paid by your profit
Although it's not as easy as it sounds though
This is because you will have to monitor your trade
That is to know when to by and when to sell
If you can monitor your trade so when ,I ensure you that you'll never regret making that trade
Crypto currency again might be the only way we can make transactions
This isn't certain
But we see back in the days transactions where by trade by bata and then as things got easier we saw the coins and the note
And now we see the world going digital
So therefore if you have the opportunity to have a crypto wallet it will be of high advantage to you
The world is going digital