The Hive Blockchain | A Powerful Platform That Provides Community Governance

in LeoFinance2 years ago


The Hive blockchain and the eco-system surrounding it are a lot to take in at once. And if you're not very tech-savvy it's a large task to get an in-depth understanding of all of the inner workings. Even if you are tech-savvy, things might still seem complex and abstract at times. But the blockchain algorithms are in place, and that's what's important. The mechanisms are there to protect you from possible data manipulation, but also to provide a trustworthy environment where people can earn income through cryptocurrency. The base of this earning potential being content creation, which can present itself in many forms: blogs, nft games, short buzzes, etc.

I started writing this post thinking of what would happen if someone would try to manipulate and control the earning mechanisms. Someone could simply do this by increasing their VEST shares through increasing HP to an absurdly high amount, and then manipulation could happen through something like upvoting alternate accounts.

But would this last?



I don't think it would last. The strong point of Hive is that the users decide what is in and what is out. Collectively people can decide against something and try to balance it out. In the case of this hypothetical scenario where someone has a a large amount of HP and misuses it, we could all start downvoting this activity as a collective, balancing out the earning potential. There are actually already groups doing this on a smaller scale, and I bet that if Hive becomes bigger, that these "patrolling" groups can also be scalable.

If someone really finds an undisputed way to cheat the system, then there's always the nuclear option of forking the entire blockchain and moving elsewhere as community. We've seen it before, and we can easily see it again if something like that were to ever happen.

The Hive blockchain provides a platform with many opportunities, but also many tools that we can use to govern the environment we are a part of. If we all do our part, which will probably come naturally, Hive can become a content-creating force to be reckoned with.


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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