Splinterlands Rental Income - Day 100

in LeoFinancelast year

Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 11.53.16 PM.png

Alright, so it is day 100 of me using Splex.gg

The aim of this is to earn as much DEC as possible, achieving some sort of passive income from the Splinterlands game. So here is the breakdown

Breakdown Statistics

Card Value: $299.82
Cards Rented: 549/617
Rental Income: 3.89 DEC

Rental Income till Date: 1741.51 DEC


100 days! It has been 100 days, wow! I can't believe it. Now, the idea of starting this is so I can do some calculations. So some observations I realised is that

  1. Rentals are currently less than 10 DEC per day
  2. Average rental for past 100 days is 17.41 DEC per day
  3. My number of cards are increasing, but the card value is constantly decreasing.

Now, this seems to be a small bit of distress. Rentals are dropping, card value are dropping. Could it be that there are more and more people leaving the game? Hmmm.... Anyone, any thoughts?


I think it's just crypto winter. There's also a lot more cards now than there used to be, so overall the supply is higher, which means lower rental income.

To that last point, I think most new players are going to be more familiar with Chaos Legion cards, which means they won't even know what Untamed/Alpha/Beta cards to rent. That combined with the size of Chaos Legion mean that rental prices are going to be depressed.

The card staking with the new land expansion should have an interesting effect. That will likely absorb a lot of the loose cards people have floating around and take out a lot of the supply. This should mean better rental income, but we'll see.

Hey @quetz , thanks so much for dropping my space! Great to have you here, love it when the community reads my post.

Agreed! And I guess one loophole from my card value stats that I give is that as the day progress, I earn cards through daily rewards but they are soulbound and not rentable. So it would look like a large amount of cards is being used for rental with high total value but then low yield.

Yea, this winter is really cold. Nevertheless, I cant help but feel that I might have done something wrong with the configurations. Not sure if the impact of the changes were so huge, but my rentals dipped after splex.gg recovered from the implementation of the rental administrative fees.

I am hoping that the land will make a difference. Not only on the card rentals, but I saved enough to purchase 2 plots, so am hoping that it would make a difference.

I'm always curious how other people are doing with renting, so your title caught my eye for sure.

If I can give any advice, I'd look for cards that are cheap relative to what you can rent them for. Arcane Thug was fetching absurdly high rental income for how cheap it was to buy for a little bit. That cooled off, however.

Summoners usually do well, although they always cost a little more to buy. If you can get a couple leveled up summoners as you save for leveling them up to where you ultimately want them to play with, it can get you some decent DEC.

Also - be mindful of the league level caps. Usually cards at a league cap get more DEC/BCX than the level under. For quick reference:

Bronze: 3C; 2R; 2E; 1L
Silver: 5C; 4R; 3E; 2L