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RE: Is Cable News In Trouble Without Donald Trump?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Could be, could be...
Trump might just be the hero and the anti-hero from Greek drama and Roman satire, and the Superman of our times. He might just save cable television if re-elected!
Is there a way to bet with some crypto on that?
They're having this Betting polls on with events like Oscar, Sports and more, where people can bet. I guess they should include the fall of network television and its revival.

I hope you don't mind some irony, @taskmaster4450le


There is a betting app on Hive where you can put up some PAL. I forget the name of the app but it is there.

Not sure how much action you would get.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great. I'll search for it...just because I am a curious cat. TY for that, @taskmaster4450le !