Crypto Gaming Industry...

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Since the inception of blockchain gaming industry, it has been attracting users all across the globe. The blockchain technology has been improving many sector in our lives and gaming industry is no exception. It has been adopting the technology and making changes and improving the user experience compared to the games which we have seen and played in the past.

Crypto Games

The word "Crypto" itself is a term of debate. If I have to say in generic terms, Crypto games are mostly played online where majority of the games have built in NFT's and unlike non crypto games, all the assets which are purchased by the users from the games are digitally owned by the users and they have 100% rights of those purchased NFT's/assets. Unlike non crypto games where the developers/company own their assets and you just get to play with them.

Current Crypto Gaming Market

As of Today, total market cap (according to CMC) crypto gaming market (tokens) is worth $9,944,741,348. Which precisely is a huge number and if we add the NFT's which are available of these crypto games, the numbers would get much bigger. The ever growing market of crypto gaming has been increasing everyday. Lately the buzz of making investments even in this bear market of crypto has been the talk of the town. The numbers may relate to the buzz!

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Even in bear market

Not only crypto but stock market is seeing a massive decline in its coins/stocks prices. Even after all these, Crypto gaming industry has been seeing a massive surge in its investments and money is being raised continuously for new games over the period. The numbers does not seem to lie.

  • Splinterlands

One of the most popular crypto games which has been gaining attraction even in this bear market is one of those examples which is leading the crypto gaming industry to the peak. The recent event launch of validators node which took place on May 26th, where the first 2000 Validators node got sold out in less than 15 minutes. Where almost $4 million was added to the games DAO via the sales.

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Buzz with NFT

Although the crypto gaming industry is revolutionizing its industry compared to the generic gaming industry the skeptical view of NFT's will be there among users. Some sees the NFT's as baseless economy structure where the value is risen by the users rather than the game's itself. Which precisely leads to the massive value drop of these NFT's which has been attracting the eyes of users. Crypto Gaming industry has just begun its run compared to the generic gaming industry which has a base of long years. Hype is there, also manipulation takes places from time to time. The power of decentralization!

It can not be denied, how big the gaming industry is! Since the crypto gaming industry has started to make an effect in the traditional gaming industry, within the next five or ten years we are going to witness a massive revolution in crypto gaming assets/NFT's/Tokens. Some of the facts are truly pointing towards that direction.

Best regards

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The crypto gaming really changed a lot of thing and many people became so lucky as their life story changed due to some crypto games..

this is worth sharing on listnerd my man so ii will be promoting it there

Yep, saw the change with own eyes buddy! More to come I believe 🙂

I read in my Hive feed that some people were even able to buy cars thanks to splinterlands, so if it's something worth trying :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Gaming is a big industry, what we need is to have more talented developers to develop best P2E games.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Undoubtedly a very impressive milestone for splinterlands, I know that this game along with others developed in Hive can be the crown of the king of NFT games.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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