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RE: LBI earnings and holding REPORT - #4

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Great Report, Thanks a lot!
I only have a comment about the future investments ranging 1-2% of the stash. I understand that managing a fund is typically associated to this kind of scatter, say having 40 different investments, but I would like to share this piece:

To consider. There are quite a lot of other works about it: Concentrate if you want to generate, diversify if you want to protect. This said, I understand that the core value of this project is to "Make slow rich", so the latter probably makes more sense. It seems that I'm saying both things at the same time, but I just want to point that if at some time we need to decide about capital allocation (probably will be a recurrent poll each time we start investing in projects), my vote will be always towards, let's say, having a dozen of good bets versus 25 small bets.

Hope this rant makes sense, haha!


Anything off-platform will be time tested. We could end up with 20 investments but i guess 95% of the fund value will be in only 3-4 of those investments. The 1% is just how much our 1st investment into wLEO LP will be for. I think we would be aiming for 10%+ of the fund in the wLEO LP, the 1% is just a starter.

plus, im too lazy to manage 30-40 small investments when we can earn the same, more consistently and have better liquidity on our holdings with the bigger holding of better investments :)

I not really sure if I answered you are not, I think you were asking about it only being 1%.

Haha no, I think I explained myself bad, sorry for the confusion, English is not my native language.

I meant precisely what you said; the aim should be to have let's say a dozen of different investments only, and from those, 2 or 3 will provide 80% of revenue.

It's Pareto Rule all the way ^_^

I think we have the same approach. Thanks for your comments and sorry for the misunderstanding, sometimes I construct really messy paragraphs, haha


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