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RE: The Tokenized State And $25 HIVE

in LeoFinance6 months ago

I often compare the "chaos" of the different tribes on Hive to the original chaotic display of the 1990's internet. Sometimes is irritating or makes you lose time, but overall sparks competition and gives a sense of freedom that is seldom felt nowadays.


Oh I have lots of freedom and I'm also disappointed that others do not. Now for chaos, that often opens opportunity and somehow something good comes out that is far more valuable then we imagined.

My thoughts have clanged a lot since I entered this domain. I didn't fit in any one tribe so I created one that was consistent to what I enjoyed doing online.

and gives a sense of freedom that is seldom felt nowadays.

Totally agree in the context of Hive providing the building blocks to be free to create and not just redo a web2 idea into a web3 creation.

What you wrote I find very right. All HIVE communities are confusing at times, but it is generated by a free expression of freedom. So that's fine.