Land Delayed And PitchForks Ready (Splinterlands)

in LeoFinance7 months ago (edited)

Howdy Folks, its your ol pal @rentmoney back with another Splinterlands post. This time its about SPL Land (PLOT, TRACT and REGION) and its most recent delay. For those who might not know Splinterlands Land was first introduced for sale some *three years ago. Since then there were multiple release dates in which needed to be pushed back/ reworked to make Land as spectacular as it should and will be. However it would seem as if some of the Splinterlands community is at wits end with this recent delay showing signs of frustration with the company. Lets keep in mind that Splinterlands has just recently restructured its inner circle with one of the founders focusing on another side of the company. Lets keep in mind some of the Splinterlands team will be on holiday (Thanksgiving) and won't be available if errors/bugs were to be encountered. Lets keep in mind Splinterlands is innovative and we are in uncharted waters. And most importantly lets keep in mind IT"S JUST TWO MORE WEEKS. I mean we waited this long, two more weeks seems like it should be a walk in the park. I could keep going on about this but in short I have said my piece above. Instead of harping on the two week wait I have opted to take a trip down memory lane and I welcome you to take that trip with me.

Original Land Price:


Take a look at those numbers folks. Original price of the smallest section of land within the Splinterlands universe started at just $10 USD (PLOT). Now we (the cryptocurrency world) have been in a bare market for awhile now (which seems to finally be turning around but that's a post for another time). This surely means (I know don't call you Surely) that the USD value of these assets must of sunk. Well, lets take a look and see. Looking on the secondary markets a plot is currently selling for, Ask price: $82 USD, Bid price: $67 USD and the Last Sold price topples all those at $88 USD. That is still a 6-9X return on the original sale price. What other cryptocurrency asset has came out as well as that over the past X Months/ Years? What is going to happen to these prices once land is functional and the bull market comes knocking at everyone's door? I'll let you decide that answer for yourself but I have a good idea on where I think the price of these PLOTS might be going.

What is Splinterlands?

[Splinterlands] is an online blockchain game built on the Hive Network. It utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's and other in game assets are tradable and have real monetary value. Click here to play or to invest in Splinterlands. Play for free or pay $10 usd and start earning today!

Highest Amount Sold For


No your eyes do not deceive you the above sale did happen and it took place on the WAX network some years back when the SPS airdrop was still in its early stages. The land sale was for a Region which contains 1000 plots and sold for the total amount of 2,394,900.06 WAX which at the time was the equivalent of $706,256,03 USD. These are some staggering numbers. So I remind you yet again to not get too hasty with your comments or decisions and simply wait out these two weeks. I'm not saying to never gather with your pitchforks or to never speak-up. After-all discussion can result in many positive things. I'm just saying, It's Just Two More Weeks. Lets give the allotted time asked and then move on from that point on. Note: The @rentmoney blog is for entertainment purposes only and does not contain any financial advice. Always do your own research before investing/spending any of your hard earned currencies. Current PLOT prices (Ask/Bid/Last Sold) discussed in this post is based on fiat values shown on the HIVE Dex's on the date of 11/14/2023. Plot prices are subject to change in accordance with market fluctuations.

Praetoria: The New Frontier

The great Gloridax tournaments are held in the Moxian Arena, in the shadow of Mount Mox near the Praetorian shore. These tournaments host thousands of travelers from all around the Splinterlands each day, but the vast, open wilderness of the continent of Praetoria has been a secret to the people of the Splinterlands for many generations. With the recent dissolution of the council who protected the sacred grounds, the Wizard's Veil of secrecy was lifted and the land of the Praetorian continent was opened for ownership. Source:

Trade Plots @ LeoDex

(And many other Hive-Dex's)

Watch A Splinterlands Battle Below

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Thanks for taking us a trip down memory lane😀 Waiting time has been very long...I remember trying to buy 10 plots in the presale...when the sale started, I sadly had to refresh the webpage, and then everything was gone...As I remember, the presale went for two rounds, with everything sold within seconds....At least, I didn't get any...and had to buy some land later on, at a much higher price...higher than present day...
Anyways...I'm looking forward to the moment when it goes live...😀

I own 100 plots all together. Is that a region?

I’m so lost though. I’m still just sitting on it and hopefully when it does launch someone will make a video showing me how to make the magic happen.



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I think the issue is not the 2 more weeks.
but a loss of faith in the team and company.

i think a lot of people are going to cash out at launch take profits and look to other projects.

I fear for the future

They said it would be two more weeks, but only a fool would believe that without some skepticism at this point. I understand why people are frustrated.

I'm not even bothered by land. It will happen when it happen when it happens.

Until then I'm just playing away and stacking cards.

Yay! 🤗
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People have been waiting for this for a long time and they have advanced the days once again so this is completely wrong, people's interest then fades within the projects and people stop playing the game.