
It'll halve by 2024 I am sure! Naturally all the early investors are now getting 10 times the amount of SPS. It's always been that way. The research titles and totem frags are really only of any benefit to them too.

Scraps for the rest.

It's why I keep skimming, no way I'm putting in more!

I hear you and agree. My plans might change in the future with a bull run but for now I plan on putting along with what I currently have in stock. I just finished selling a few hundred CHAOS packs at a loss to hedge against a potential dip in CHAOS price/ increase in HIVE USD value. Those market bots are a real pain.

Yeah I hate those bots. You just have to be patient.

In general packs are a terrible vest - I cld max out rebellion already for around $2K. At leaat three times cheaper than presale - it'll be 5* cheaper by next spring!