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RE: The Population Crisis Is Going To Cause Economic Issues

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The mounting sovereign debt levels are to a large degree the result of the bad demographics. And the debt situation is partially what fuels the need money printing because interest rates cannot be allowed to go too high. Bitcoin wins.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well in Japan maybe. But most countries havent hit is yet (they are close).

Hence I would say the sovereign debt situation is due to massive spending fueled by debt which didnt produce the growth needed to sustain it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well in Japan maybe. But most countries havent hit is yet (they are close).

I would say many European countries are already there. Not all of them but many are.

Hence I would say the sovereign debt situation is due to massive spending fueled by debt which didnt produce the growth needed to sustain it.

Exactly. Spending on social services does not produce much growth. That's, of course, only a part of the equation. Much of it is due to the mismatch of what the labor market demands and what job applicants can offer.