Some free time

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Today I had a free day from work, I enjoyed a 3-day weekend which is something that I love. Yesterday I went to the Circus with my girlfriend, we had a really good time.

Last time I went to a circus I was 10 years old. I just had some memories from that day and I think they were still using animals for their shows.

Now with the pro-animal laws, the use of animals for this kind of shows it's forbidden.

The show was longer than I expected, 2 hours mixed between clowns and spectacular acrobats. The clowns picked up some people from the public, and it was really funny. I almost cried. 😂

The girl from the photo below was from Ukraine, she performed a double backflick and landed in a super narrow wood stick. I was impressed by this show, the photo is from the exact moment of the jump.

I ate a lot of popcorn and enjoyed it like a kid. I think that I will plan to go to Cirque du Soleil in the future. This circus is the best circus in the world, it performs worldwide and the music and acrobats are amazing.

(Note for the future):
Buying a couple of tickets for this show could a be a good present for my girldfriend. But we should wait at least 1 year to go there again.

Tomorrow I have to go to work again, I'm enjoying the last hours of the day. Hope you had a great day too!


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I did have a great day today, thank you.