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RE: Stable Coins I hold October 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I'm liking Terra, it's next on my list to increase for sure.

I am anticipating an interest rate rise, it was rapid up to 10% so I'm guessing there is maybe potential for it to go further.

I pool on Thorswap - been in it for ages, just back on line but I don't know whether they've raised the caps for more pooling - I think i might hold off for a while yet, wait for the next hack to hopefully not happen for a month at least!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just tested thorswap ... not allowing it ... #raisethecaps :)
Are you using trust wallet exclusively for thorswap?

I do use Trust wallet for it, and I don't use it for anything else, so yup!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta