An Overview of My Hive Investments, June 2020 - Room for a bit more LEO!

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

I haven't had a proper look at my Hive Investments for months, maybe not even this year!

NB tracking yer Hive vests is very easy using Leo's Hive Stats tool which allows you track the value of your Engine investments too!

Here's how they look:

Total Value = $14 300

Hive Investments June 2020.png

  • Hive and Hive Power - $10, 000
    • Hive = 39, 000
    • HBD - 580
  • Total Hive Engine - $1200
    • LEO - 9750
    • DEC - 554500
  • Splinterlands Cards - $2400
  • @ExodeGame - $700

ATM the value of LEO is the only one really worth recording separately, I am VERY HAPPY with my investment into LEO in recent months and weeks! Especially given the insane return I'm getting on curation with @revise.leo.

I think it's fair to record DEC as part of Splinterlands - I'm aiming to hodl half a million for when LAND kicks in, the rest should be enough to get me at least some of the way towards a maxed Legendary Life Summoner that's being release shortly.

I put a fair bit of my Steem PD into Splinterlands, a bit more into LEO recenlty and I also funded Exode with it, it was easy to pay for with Steem!

I've only bought in about 5K Hive with Steem, I'm afraid I haven't seen too much evidence of Hive about to take-off just yet, and my suspicion is that once the PDs gradually come to end over the next week or two, we're back to steady-sell pressure with no-one really looking buy, so I'm expecting a downward drift in price until something significant happens.

I also needed to diversify, I wanted more BTC, which I've now got!

Whatever the case, I'm quite a lot richer now because of this new chain!

As Percentages:

Hive Investments June 2020 (1).png


Overall I am quite happy with the diversification - I still regard 'Hive' as the 'mothership', so I'm happy to have 70% in there.

Headline news for me is that there's definitely room for a bit more LEO in here, so I'd like to see that creeping up to 5% of my 'Hive Portfolio' in the coming months for sure.

As @nealmcspadden said in a recent @splinterlands show, I think I'm maybe over-invested in the game. NB I've taken BID prices, not list prices to value my cards, list would add on another $400. Having said that, I'm quite happy with my >100% return so far.

@Exode is a punt, I like the look of the game, what can I say - Booster opening this Thursday, things are hotting up...

If you yourself want to take a punt on Exode, you can use my referral link, well you don't have to, but that would be very nice of you if you did use it, thank you very much!

Final thoughts...

I'm very happy with this spread, I just want a bit more LEO!

Posted Using LeoFinance


I expect mine is more like 90%+ Hive. I do have a few hundred $ in Splinterlands and bought some nice cards with Steem. I want to get my HP up to help out more people, so that is the priority. Not too worried about the return as I bought little of it for fiat.

That's good to hear, you should find yourself at 50K HP in next to no time!

Hope to make it this year. One more Steem power down to go that will help.

That's very cool - I've just started using Hive Stats, I didn't realise it had so much information about Hive-Engine tokens.

Interesting what will happen when the power-downs end. I'll be glad when things are done with Steem, it's a distraction at the moment, taking up energy that could be spent growing Hive.

Yes, just one week left for me, and most other people I think too, some are clear already!

Posted Using LeoFinance

I feel LEO had been stunning so far and by far the best when it comes to investment amongst one's like PAL and the rest. Stunning deck you have it can only get better

Yes LEO is a stand out for sure!

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I can't argue with the idea of wanting more LEO. I think that is a sound conclusion for everyone to make.

At this point, it is the top tribe in my opinion, and I dont see anything else that is even close to it. Maybe I am missing something but it is the only one that appears to be consistently moving forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I agree.

The team are very on the case!

Posted Using LeoFinance

HiveStats looks like a neat tool with lots of interesting information, not unlike BeeMe. I like how it includes the HiveEngine, but for some reason I could not find those graphics you posted on Hive investments, nor any info about my Splinterlands cards. :-( Though I believe I clicked through all the menu items.

Ah I just took the data from the Peakd Wallet for Hive, it does show that, under 'analytics' I think - but it doesn't show Splinterlands Cards - you have to go to Peakmonsters for that.

It's still early days for HiveStats though!

I made the graphics myself in a spreadhseet.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Okay, I see. That's cool though. You're good at this. Maybe HiveStats would be interested in your help? ;-)

I doubt it, I just do things manually!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Peeps be sleeping on LEO but i've been collecting it since the beginning and the liquidity is drying up thanks to the great work they are doing, I'm almost at 4000 staked LEO and ill be picking them up as long as I can :)

I know what you mean! The curation return is around 3* that what I get with Hive!

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Are you voting ASAP? :)

I've set my vote times at 2.5 mins although I had noticed a lot of people doing it asap, I've now set two at 0 to see if it makes any difference, I'm not sure it does you know?

Posted Using LeoFinance

Originally I'm pretty sure there was no reverse auction window, but things may have changed so i'd be interested to know how 0 compares to 2.5.

I still think the larger LEO investors wouldn't be piling in at the start if there was a window....

You know I did have a few votes set at 0 for about 2 days a while back, but for the life of me I couldn't find the posts I voted on back then when trawling back through Hive Blocks, and I just gave up. So I do have some data.

I haven't noticed much difference TBH, I've been changing things around a bit.

I might do a quick manual check on some posts later again.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Sounds like a plan. It does feel like LEO are worth keeping a close eye on - slowly making my way to 20k there.

HiveStats looks like a neat tool with lots of interesting information, not unlike BeeMe. I like how it includes the HiveEngine, but for some reason I could not find those graphics you posted on Hive investments, nor any info about my Splinterlands cards. :-( Though I believe I clicked through all the menu items.

Well it feels good when your investment finally pays.
I'm glad to see that you speak and believe highly in Hive

did a similar check for myself... I am off a few 1000 from you but in different things and have a few accounts I had to total things up from but I am happy with my totals so far. Let's wait and see when the bulls begin to run

If we get to $5 again.... Oh my giddy days! Then I'll be cashing in some of those HBDs!

Probably a lot sooner than that!

Let's hope Exode does what this person thinks it's going to do.....Capture.JPG

People are starting to join Hive just because of exode, I just saw someone else power up 500 Hive, pretty cool!

Alpha booster packs opening tomorrow!

lets hope so, i like games like that so putting in a bit of steem is ok, but like that seems a tad much, lol

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