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RE: ⭐️Free HBD Week Fifty-Four (With Added Prizes)⭐️

in LeoFinancelast year

Oooo count me in again! Reposted, gotta get that hall of fame inclusion someday

Haven't tried crypto shots but did notice I had a tiny bit of doom in the wallet from LP rewards. Never looked to find out what it was about as there's so many things included in LP rewards these days plus so many projects on hive.

How do you like it so far and how does it compare to something like PsyberX? or two different type of games altogether? Judging from the video crypto shots looks like Quake 3-ish? While psyberX seems to be a CoD/fortnite mixture

Any thoughts on the Ragnarok game? Seen some stuff pop up about it after not hearing about it for months, still sounds like an interesting addition and could be launched soon (currently in downloadable alpha if I'm not mistaken).


Truth be told (aside from the odd Splinterlands battle) I haven't had the time to play any game in months so I can't give a proper comparison. I been seeing the Ragnarok post starting to pop up and been meaning to look into it some more but haven't done so yet. I know there was allot of hype around it. It will be interesting to see what type of impact it has on the overall HIVE community.

how does it compare to something like PsyberX

I would say that we target slightly different audiences.

They developed a desktop game (150 GB download) that requires a beefy machine to run.
Ours is a browser game (70 mb - cached) and runs well in any browser on decent machines.

Both have pros and cons I would say.

We have been live since February so I feel that our tokenomics is more advanced (we are on 2 chains, we fully integrated NFTs and tokens, we offer swaps between the 2 chains) instead they seem to have focused more on the gameplay, and they have yet to release any blockchain integration.

We also just released a ChatGPT tipping bot that gives our token (and all partner projects tokens) additional use cases when staked.
It went live tonight in the Hive official Discord too!

cc: @rentmoney