
can anyone give me a logical explanation of why the market is dipping. I heard it was as a result of the Chinese government halting mining operations in their country and many miners are selling to cover their cost

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Lesson #1: there is no logic to the markets. Look for logic in the markets is like looking for logic in a teenagers. It simply isnt there.

There are more sellers than buyers, that is why the market went down.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot of blood in the streets.

I will be interesting to see what @edicted posts about how his model is looking with this pullback.

I believe he felt less optimistic about much higher numbers on the run up. This pullback probably moved things back in line with his model while providing a "recharge" when the next leg up kicks off.

We will have to post his articles in here when he puts them out. So far, his model has been fairly strong over the last couple years.

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