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RE: On the irrational rationality of doing my own cleaning (rather than paying someone else to do it)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

there have been some days and even weeks over the past 30 years where I’ve just let it all go, typically towards the end of term times when I was a teacher.

Ah yeah. Except the more stressed we get the more we clean haha. Tidy house tidy mind and all that. Luckily my husband isn't adverse to an OCD mental tidy up either... Saturday a.m, loud tunes and one hour? House is spotless. I always, always do washing on Thursday or Friday so I don't spend wkd doing it.. I cook as Jamie hangs it out. Jamie vacuums, I mop. Jamie does bathrooms, I make beds. These days we don't even need to tell each other what needs doing.. we just work in symbiosis.

He has been begging for a cleaner for years. I just think you have to tidy up before they come and it just gets messy again anyway. I also think sometimes you have to be at one with mess during term time. Not that we ever let it get that bad.

And our house is fairly small by Aussie standards, so ...

Funny, I literally did a huge tidy up then and sat down to HIVE.

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Sounds like you've got it all worked out - you'll spend more than hour in total per week though once you factor in laundry and washing up.

I've heard this about tidying up so things aren't messy for the cleaner, funny old world!

I know right - but seriously, would you leave your dirty undies on teh floor for someoone to tidy up? Standards!!!!

I'm doing my colour coding on the timetable now. Freaks me out. I do have a monday off in the two week cycle so I'm stoked!