
You gonna crush them, right?

No. They are already slaying me :P

Lol not you again 🥹

ha ha I need to make this difficult for others. At least, try to do that :P

What you need to do is rest. Not chase us around dragon. Aren't you tired?

I am tired but I need to make others dead tired.

At this wicked. 🥹 do better mr. Dragon

I am trying I am trying to make it tough:D

No problem. Let the best man win

he last lap it would be tougher than we have known

I know the last lap will be crazy for the next few hours.

I have time for it. But definitely wont be able to get you cause i lost the last 2 days.

I am slow today and yesterday. Could threads freely on Friday.

Am working on mobile now. Once i get to PC in a little time, it would be faster for me. Just few hours left to push

Push it and slay the dragons. get your XPs

Yes. Am pushing it. The best i can.

I am trying. Slow down LOL. I think I am only at 1.1k now...

Looks like others leapfrogged you on this one. The latest table had so many going over 1.3 K already

Well, there is only so much that I can do. 1.3k is tough enough as it is. Gotta spend hours threading as it is.

The top 10 are threading non stop today for sure.