Lock and Loaded! 100 purchase of CL packs with an extra 10% Bonus Pack during this 2nd Chaos Legion sale!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hi everyone,

Finally, bought another 100 CL packs with an additional 10% bonus packs which makes it 110 CL packs in hand. With this purchase, I can finally level up my CP and bring me closer to the next tier level, Silver 1.


It took me around two weeks to add this 110 packs because this second sale still require the need to get a voucher with a purchase of 1 CL pack. Hence, a player is actually buying a voucher and a CL pack. Good news is that, the voucher has dropped its price significantly which open up more opportunity to get voucher. It is priced at $1.9 as we speak compared to $20 during the first pre-sale.


Despite the drop price and the need for voucher to be purchased along with 1 CL pack, I will still buy some more voucher along with the airdrop since voucher is going to be used more in the future.

Not only that, I took the opportunity to also staked more SPS.


The dropped SPS price is going to be a great opportunity to get more SPS and to stake more. Staking SPS gives more opportunity, that is the beauty of P2E.

Apart from that, DEC price is at its All Time Low which makes it more desirable to add more card in my collection too on top of the new CL I just purchase. With this, climbing further up the tier level can be reached within a few weeks more.


With all that said and done, getting packs from Alpha and Beta is going to be a breeze and ultimately more money for myself too.

Enjoy you Splinter's journey!


Macam mana ko boleh beli open pack tu?Mo staked sps baru dapat tu voucher? Ada cara lain ka? Sa baru main balik ni game mo ada 1 tunjuk ajar ku sifu !LOLZ

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I like to mooooove it mooooooove it

@robmojo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @tampilyne
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Utk 2nd CL sale ni, boleh tunggu airdrop voucher (kalau ada stack sps)... atau boleh beli voucher dulu (dari Hive Engine)... murah voucher skrg ni.. paling ngam beli

Atau boleh tunggu general sale nanti januari 18... beli CL pack tanpa voucher

😵sa stuck power kat 100..more advance bronze II ba ni supaya dpt extra dec bila main

Yay! 🤗
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