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RE: Splitting Chains

in LeoFinance ā€¢ 10 months ago

ā€œ Splitting Hairs" means to become hyper-focused on small differences that might not be very important in the grand scheme of thingsā€¦ Yes, the devil is in the details, but perhaps these days that means that we spend all our time in discussing detail, very little time doing something productive.

oh man, that one hit uncomfortable close to home. šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¬

In the grand scheme of the economy, do you think that the current conditions are the best they can be and will remain the same throughout your lifetime?

I thinkā€¦ ā˜Æļø

As in, theyā€™re fantastic in some regards for some people, and horrible for others in other circumstances. And in general, many of us here in these crypto worlds have foreseen the changes coming, educated & positioned ourselves accordingly to be on the ā€˜betterā€™ side of it.

ā€˜Remain the same?ā€™ Overall, absolutely not. Haha!! However again, that it isnā€™t just a matter of ā€œluckā€ to end up on the more benefic sides of change - and that for those whoā€™ve really been smart and putting in the proper work in the right direction, it may likely get even better, while those whoā€™ve slacked and overinvested in the old systems tanking like the titanicā€¦ well, you get the pictureā€¦

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And in general, many of us here in these crypto worlds have foreseen the changes coming, educated & positioned ourselves accordingly to be on the ā€˜betterā€™ side of it.

The better side and if in failure, at least we tried to do something, rather than maintain a status quo that we knew is going to fail most of us.

while those whoā€™ve slacked and overinvested in the old systems tanking like the titanicā€¦

At some point, do they cut their losses and make the move in, or will they stubbornly hold their ground until they have nothing left to hold?

my bad on the super delayed response. wasn't entirely sure if that was a literal or rhetorical question at the end, haha.

i think both - like, some will, some won't. no way to generalize everybody in one shot.

also think it's highly likely that there is a middle ground too that's less dramatic than many predict - whether its some psyop that has people thinking everything is gonna collapse or some innate survival mechanism that expects the worse out of fear, there are alot of extremist "all or nothing" views on these matters - whereas it might actually be probable that things don't go as bad as some say/expect, and that many with traditional investments don't lose everything. even those invested in mutual funds and shit - enough of those funds are managed by people who are probably reallocating portions to emerging sector and hedging their bets, so while they likely won't do as well as those who invest directly in the cryptos and stuff that skyrockets, will have ended up with enough overall long-term stability to ride out the natural market storms. granted, there are so many different segments with different strategies and particularities, there's be some who are overleveraged in crap that's gotta die who go down cuz they wouldn't adapt, just as there'll be others who at least start making a few correct moves to balance things out, and probably a bit of everything in between... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøā˜Æļø