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RE: Tax is not Enough

in LeoFinance5 months ago (edited)

It is interesting thought that you refer to "regular individuals" as choosing to remain uneducated. You do realize that not everyone can be or should be an entrepreneur or a company executive. The world needs all levels of profession to function properly. From the medical specialists, to the cooks, to the people who take out your trash.

Of course, that wasn’t meant to be a blanket statement - and Hence, the “ Granted, there are professions where more difficult to do - though plenty of possibilities for independent contractors & business for those willing to ‘think outside the box’ and make it happen.”

And that’s not to imply “uneducated” is of a negative connection, but just objective when it comes to these matters. hell, I didn’t even begin to crack open awareness to these matters until my mid-thirties, thanks to the counsel of a friend / good tax pro, and it’s still been taking years to wrap my head around fully. For sure, there are many traditionally well-educated professionals with masters degrees who still go traditional employer routes and never even look into the alternative routes of conducting themselves as either sole proprietors or corporations. As well as the full-spectrum of traditionally “uneducated” doing needed & valued jobs… thus “more difficult” to do in many situations, and especially when very few of us ever have been properly financially-educated (as they sure AF don’t teach any of it in schools, and the majority don’t know, unfortunately).