Taking care of my account, business, hobbies, and family

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Hello friends, I hope that we will always be prosperous.
As someone who is new to crypto, I feel that this blockchain has introduced the ins and outs of crypto well. I know a little and I still have to keep learning so that one day I can get more benefits.
I am acquainted with blockchain since 2018 through Steem. I was introduced to a platform that is not only a place to vent, but also gets added value economically. We get coins - although still a little - of course I have to appreciate. This is much different from other social media platforms which only provide opportunities for narcissism. there are even some bad cases such as selling personal data to third parties, or deleting content, being banned from the platform owner. This is of course very contrary to the principle of freedom of expression.

Taking care of My business

In my daily life, I take care of a tutoring program that I initiated five years ago. This business is one of the areas that I am good at. Apart from being a business, I want to dedicate myself to helping children learn. There is a special joy when seeing children understand what they are learning.
I still remember before the COVID 19 pandemic. We helped students to be more enthusiastic about learning. We want them to make them more independent and responsible. This is important so that as adults they will be more useful to themselves and others.
Why can I say that? Because during their studies at our place we always say that each individual must be able to provide benefits. Because humans who are considered the best are those who benefit others.
In our classrooms, we instill healthy competition so that they are imbued with a high spirit of sportsmanship. Sometimes I give questions with the open book. They may open books to find answers. However, such questions are not material for which there are direct answers in the book. Open book questions require analysis so they will think hard by analyzing and understanding them in a logical and critical frame of mind.

My family

Oh my friends, I already have two sons from my wife who I married on November 30, 2003.
I got to know my wife while working in Tangerang, Banten. we didn't have time to date because we knew each other five months later we got married. Luckily when we got married, my wife had menstruation so that after we finished entering the fertile period and in September the following year we were blessed with a child through a c-section.
Due to the delivery process through surgery, we decided to provide a break in the birth by installing contraceptives.
Seven years later, our second child was born. Until now we chose to raise and educate them to grow up to be pious children.

Run my hobby

Not to forget there are also things I want to say about hobbies. I am very interested in the world of theater. When I was in college, I was very active in theater and our theater group represented Central Java Province in the National Student Art Week.
What makes us proud is that we set aside a group that is our big competitor in Central Java, namely the theater from UNS, Solo.
However, now I choose to focus more on taking care of my family first. I hope that once established, I will be able to return to theater.

Another hobby is farming. I love taking care of plants. That's why I still help you cultivate the fields now. Currently we are planting rice. I hope the harvest this time will be better than yesterday. because yesterday's harvest planthopper attack was not optimal.

Take care my account

Do not forget to also tell about the account that I have to care for. Since joining the blockchain I have experienced things that may seem embarrassing. How can I never post and get no likes. it happened when i first posted. I've also experienced getting flags, downvotes of which I don't know why. However, as time went on I came to realize more and more that in this world all bitter things will only make us stronger. I believe God provides experiences that will make us steadfast and not easily complain. We must not despair. When we fall we must be willing and able to get up again. Maybe we fail a thousand times, but we also have to get up for the thousand and one times.
Until now, I am still trying to remain active, even though it sometimes feels difficult considering the difficult conditions.
I try to take good care of my account, business, hobbies and family. I believe all struggles will arrive at a certain point called success. Success in business and family life.
Thus all my writing this time may useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it


A detailed post on yourself and your important daily activities. Nice to meet you 😊. Wish your success in both online and offline activities.

Hebat Pak, Salut 😄

Thank you for sharing about your life and your family...

My pleasure