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RE: How does The Sandbox (SAND) work?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Any thoughts on Sandbox moving to the Polygon blockchain? I am not a player, but an investor. I just despise paying the ridiculous fees on ETH, so hoping there is some truth to what I read somewhere that this was being considered. I personally can't imagine any sort of interactive crypto community paying ETH fees to do anything ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I might add a section talking about how fees can be minimised using Polygon. Leave it with me :)

All Ethereum based games will have to do this eventually, which is why imo Polygon (as Ethereum light) will continue to be a success as long as Ethereum is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"All Ethereum based games will have to do this eventually, which is why imo Polygon (as Ethereum light) will continue to be a success as long as Ethereum is."

Agreed. It has a lot to offer. Wen oh wen oh wen PolyCub ... 🤷‍♂️

P.S. Another similar blockchain is Fantom, which I have been exploring a bit lately.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta