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RE: How Do You Track Your DeFi Positions?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yes, DeBank is definitely in my "can't live without" set of crypto aides. Even more "can't live without?" DeBank's associated Rabby wallet! While I don't necessarily use DeBank every day, I absolutely use Rabby every day.

It is a very effective replacement for MetaMask, which I never really cared for, but had no alternative. Until Rabby ...

P.S. I wrote a LeoFi review months ago about Rabby, which got the attention of one of DeBank's big executives. A bit dated now, as they have done an excellent job of "continuous improvement."

P.P.S. If anyone reads this and decides to give a look, you will find a link to Rabby in the lower left corner of the DeBank screen. Tip: MetaMask and Rabby do "not play well" together. You have to turn off, in "Manage extensions" (I use the Brave browser), the one which you are not using.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta