HP increasing idea for the communities by TeamUkraine!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hello people, as you might know, my name is Andrew, I live in Kyiv, Ukraine, me and our team besides of @cryptobrewmaster | @cryptex24 also BUIDLing local ukrainian speaking community at @teamukraine (https://leofinance.io/trending/hive-165469)


Currently we have a trail of ~ 250K HP stacked at the accounts we control, so we decided to engage our community memebers to show their serious intentions for Hive and HP by pushing the requirements of curation.

At the first month we requested the folowing:

  • mandatory presence of the #ua tag;
  • post should be published in the Team Ukraine community;
  • Ukrainian or English language of the post;
  • 100 HP stacked minimum

Each month we require to stack + 100 HP to get to the curation list

Now the month 2 is ongoing, so community member required to have 200 HP minimum

That Idea could be integrated at any community \ tribe that have their own token, that will reduce the inflation and will push people to HODL more HP buying more Hive which could boost Hive price!

What do you people think about that kind of initiative?

What would you suggest or improve?

Would be cool to hear you opinion, guys!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great idea! More HP - stronger Community 💪

Думаю, инициатива правильная, направленная на сопротивление хитро... Все логично и по делу.


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