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RE: Why is PolyCUB Rising? Investors Now Have More Reasons to Invest in PolyCUB.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

At this stage, pHBD, pHIVE, pSPS are more interesting to me. And xpolycub is my favourite. I don't know if I will join pRune.

Certainly PolyCUB is doing a great job building bridges and accelerating PolyCUB, LEO and HIVE adoption. We're in the beginning stages right now, great things can happen in a few months. More people will be aware of Hive and LEO in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sure! The new implementations are interesting. Just that I get excited to see outsiders discovering us. And you think you won’t join pRune? 😂 time will tell. I will remind you of this day.

😂 I just wanted to say I'm not sure 😂

As you said, time will tell. 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta