
this is the container for my birthday xD

Oh, really Andrew? Happy birthday to you, Sir! Hope you're having a blast. Any plans for today?

well, we need to thread xD so, for the moment i´m free until night.

My fam is coming from another city to say hello, im waiting for them, thanks

Haha, Threading on your birthday before visitors are coming over, sounds like something I'd do as well. Enjoy your birthday! Cheers

This container is under attack now!

Threadooors invading in 3👀

Yield! Yield!

Just love the idea of how Taskmaster is threading throughout easy-to-find containers for specific users.

Making personal thread containers can really give the user the mobility/flexibility to use #Threads as a (project) blanc canvas.

At the same time, it can also be a measurement tool for statistics. And... if you're a numbers guy, numbers can motivate you to do more to bring more to the table. Which then could lead to stress-testing the network if more people join in

Thanks to having a thread-container, I managed to thread over 150 threads in a single day (which is quite a lot for me), with some effort yes, but it made it a lot easier to map out what I was going to talk about.

Like @jfuji was saying, it is some sort of personal blog, but then again, it isn't. For me, it's pretty nice to share 240 character-long thoughts that often roam freely in my head.

It's nice to finally be able to catch them.

ohh sorry to hear it got broken the last day, happy threading ruben!

Got back from our stroll. I do not dare to upload them here on #threads, but I am curious which one your favorite is!


Is my Thread container broken already?