
10/20 Just look at what we are creating today #threads. Re-inventing microblogging and launching it on a full decentralized blockchain. Can we comprehend what this means? No centralized party that can #shadowban or #delete your account.

11/20 The sad truth is, is that most of these influencers have no idea what they are promoting, nor who represents these projects. Just look at #BitConnect and the influencers who 100% believed 1-2% interest PER DAY is #sustainable. #SMH

12/20 This is why it is super important to do your own research. Question yourself, what existing world problem does it solve, could it solve, or can potentially be solved once further developed. You know what #leothreads solve?

13/20 #Leothreads mostly will solve the problem that users have with #censorship and being #shadowbanned on Twitter. Due to Resource credits, we have no worries to see a lot of #spam between our #Roars.

14/20 O snap, the Hive blockchain is indeed a powerful beast of an engine to built upon. At least, that's how I see it. Ever since I've been using Hive, it just felt great right off the bat. It feels like a real community.

15/20 Even if you don't agree with other "niche-communities" on Hive, we're all rowing in the same boat. Whereas, on Twitter, you're basically nothing unless you have a big following. Why? So you can get attention. Here, everyone is valued.

16/20 This is extremely hard to explain to Web 2.0 "influencers", whereas, they should be the only ones that should be valued, no? I mean, they give up on their #mentalhealth, to receive more #pressure as they need to #perform every day.