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RE: Crypto Minnows on Hive, Fatalism, "Street Cents Episode 1" Tales of the Blockchain

in LeoFinance3 years ago

awesome job bro - keep going ...

my tiny account rescued from the steemit bullshit is finally showing some recovery LOL

I wasn't really active for quite a while - but I discovered leofinance and got kind of lucky over there lately

it has been interesting to watch something that started at $0 turn into about $500 just from screwing around making stupid splinterlands posts and commenting here and there

and my initial $20-$30 i threw at splinterlands turned into an $800 deck of playing cards LOL

I used to be a 'fatalist' carpenter but I think I'm starting to get the hang of this stuff - even if it's only a penny at a time it starts to add up ;)



I'm laid off from the Covid lockdown and waiting for the constrution market to pick back up, when I get back to work I'm going to change quite a few things including investing a minimum of 25$ a week in Hive, that will be my goal once Im working, shouldn't be too much longer, waiting on all the Office building's to open back up in the city! This lockdown gave me time to look at issues I never would have bothered to investigate. Thanks for checking out the post and dropping a comment!

very similar story my steemit account went from 250$ from 2 years of work to giving me what I needed to get my new Hive account rolling to roughly over 800$ and beyond in a month,exciting times ahead for a change!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta