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RE: The versatility of Hive | The Convenience of Leo

in LeoFinance11 months ago

I've been presearching since ddg (still my favourite because I freaking love the bang syntax, but presearch has also started giving me better results) proudly proclaimed they were going to be filtering search results and whatnot from Russia.

And if it's any consolation, I don't have a podcast XD

I feel like the struggle to go mainstream is mainstream people knowing so very hard that crypto is a scam that no other possibility will be considered. And the other thing is that I think some people like the centralised government controlled agenda filled narrative oriented whatever because all they want is for their narrow minded world view to be constantly validated and affirmed and anything that doesn't is toxic and has to be cancelled and kerbstomped into the ground for daring to make them feel slightly uncomfortable.

To answer your (probably rhetorical?) question it's currently a money thing (only relatively recently managed to squeeze it into the budget) but prior to that it was a gamification thing (how far can I get without paying to win, oh wait for once pay to win is actually good). Statistically I'm unlikely to be the only one XD