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RE: Beautiful Budgeting In 3 Basic Bullet Points

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have a vague recollection as a child of my mother trying really hard to make me do the two column thing (money in/out) to keep track of my pocket money but it was so mind numbingly boring and tedious and unnecessary (as I saw it then) that I simply refused to do it (I had an infinite amount of infinitely better things to do like riding my bike and skating and writing stories and reading books and playing games, no way in hell I was going to be doing more stupid worthless maths voluntarily).

And then I remember trying to do it again when I was at uni but ain't nobody got time for dat x_x

I now use one of the many budgeting apps (found one that did what I wanted mostly in a way that I wanted after playing with way too many of them) and have a spreadsheet (LibreOffice Calc, I hate MS Office ;D) to keep track of hive (mostly for potential tax purposes though currently I don't make enough for them to care about even if they would care about it as I'm not trading it for fiat which is all our tax department seems to care about as that's what they can grab at).

Been trying to get my kids to use one of the simpler budgeting apps to keep track of their money but I'm having about as much success as my mother.

I guess it's one of those things that some of us have to learn the hard way XD


I wasn't into this either until my late twenties. Until then, this entire area was so foggy, as I was having way too much to do in other areas, like partying, for instance. Then it became simply unavoidable.