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RE: A Load of Crab

in LeoFinance2 years ago

So, I was going to say that the crab bucket analogy amuses me greatly as from observation and sheer ignorance of how crabs think, I currently don't believe they're smart enough to think anything as advanced as "if I can't then you shouldn't/can't either", they basically all want to do a thing (get out of the bucket, climb up or down the cliff) and are that self-centred that it doesn't occur to them that they can't use their fellow crabs as grips because their fellow crabs don't have a good grip either (which is why everyone falls down).

And then I realised whichever way you decide to look at it (anthropomorphising the crabs or going from a possibly slightly more biologically accurate angle) it might actually still be reasonably accurate x_x

[internal silent screaming that gives me headaches]

[and more internal silent screaming from not understanding the inevitable economics that came with the post] xD


Yeah - they are just working based on their DNA - but we as humans have the ability to conceptualize and adjust - yet, we just work mostly on our DNA too :D

Awww... You can always ask if you want clarification on the number side and I will try my best to explain it in a different way. :)

It's not you it's me, there's some stuff that I either just can't do or takes an inordinate amount of time to process.