
What rank do you expect?

I thought I will return back again to number 49. 🤣😂

haha top 30~50 is not to much activity prbably you can do better than top30

To be included in the top 30, that will be good.

I trust you can do it!

top10 are onfire and the confront for the 1place is close

I think the top 12 are almost secure in their position.

i hope i can climb for top5 in this week

woah, well I slipped down. Maybe that’s because I’ve not claimed big xp yet again

😂 changes will come soon

Yeah, we're waiting for you.

hehe not from me

hehe I thought you will bring the change.

hehe there are a lot of change makers on the leaderboard 😅

Yeah, you're right. 🤣😂

I move from 22 to 40. sometimes again at 26 then 37. Change continuously.

That was my experience and that's why I find it unusual that the ranking did not change that much since early this morning.

I only check once a day.

That is why I do not notice from early this morning.

Me, I think I check 3 to 4 times. I did not work on the quests until later this day.

Hehe, you shouldn't have said this now the one on 23 is gonna be alert 😏

No problem. I want everyone to climb up provided that they will leave a space for me even within the top 50. 🤣😂

haha noice

oxbf replaced me in the 22nd position. I am now on the 23rd with 151 quests completed and with 35,475 xp.


My rank has been dropping slightly but that was to be expected when I am just focusing on daily/weekly quests. I don't really plan to do most of the other quests.

Me too, there are quests that are not really for me such as the artist and the vlogger. 🤣😂