
You just did that to me too. It's a nice feeling to be honest. !LOL

It pays to be popular.

I love it.

Did you see how you can enter a persons name in search (of notifications) and see all their replies to you? Then you just hit them all up and have a conversation going.

I still didn't get that.

got to notifications, and in the search bar enter a username (taskmaster). then you will see all the engagement with me in there. If I sent you notis/replies, you will be able to quickly reply.

Wow! Now I see it. Thanks to the team for your hard work. You made our threading easier and smoother. Cool!😎👌🔥

Dont thank me. I am not on the team. I am just some dude who bangs away at the keyboard all day.

Notifications on #threads is looking better now I see

Yeah, really great! It looks like the platform never sleeps. 🤣😂

Good to see the upgrades rolling in

Yeah, really great. I just read the recent report about the focus on long-form content creators and commenters.

I missed that I will check it out to stay up to date. What is your takeaway from the report?

I think here's my key takeaway:

The KPIs to watch as we progress through June and you get the next report will be Content Creators and Commenters.

Great, those two are the strength of the community, commenting and engagement keep the community going.