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RE: PayPal : You Say The Wrong Thing You Get Fined $2,500

in LeoFinance2 years ago

They all took away their money from PayPal wallet and the stock value of PayPal dropped.

I wonder how long did it take for PayPal to come up with such a very "discerning" decision only to be penalized by the public. Now that the penalty they want to impose has been inflicted on them instead, they now claim that their update was a mistake.

I am now thinking about how can the people penalize legislators and regulators who are coming up with almost similar policies.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is a lesson to others on how the people can turn against them when their control starts getting out of hand.

Curious if that is really a mistake or a miscalculation of their influence on their part. If the prior decision was really intentional, they're good at finding an excuse when the tide is turning against them.