Internet | | It Can Either Make Us Or Break Us

in LeoFinance11 months ago

The internet, which was known to be a global village, has become a global city where several opportunity lies. This opportunities seems to be very rare, because not evey internet users are aware of it. The internet which most people see as an ordinary way to get connected, has become an office point for those that chooses to make good use of it.

Generally, making money from the internet is n't a get rich quick approach, as it requires effort, time and dedication to make good name for oneself. The internet can be very addictive, but the actual benefit is a factor that should be considered.

We all know that accessing the internet doesn't come for free, as we must make payment for internet connectivity. We don't only spend our money to accessing the internet, but we also spend our time.
The platforms or schemes we spend our time on, determines if we are actually wasting our time and money or not.

photo-1514543250559-83867827ecce.jpegPhoto by Grzegorz Walczak On Unsplash

Not everyone can actually agree to the fact that, they are wasting their resources on the internet, due to the entertaining benefit they gain from it.

Web2 And Web3 Structure

The web2 and web3 structures where both built on the internet scheme, but what they offer are completely different.

  • Web2
    Over the years, internet users have being spending their time and personal income to accessing the web2 packages. This packages where more of social media platforms, where million of users simply connect. The most addictive part of this social media is gaining of followers and getting likes 👍 in a particular post.

    Only few users know how to making money from the web2 structure, since its implementation is very difficult. Those who are largely involve in delivering entertaining contents, makes it quicker than others who choose something more realistic.

  • Web3
    This new web structure is quite different from the old, as it offers more to it users who are ready to spend their time and effort. Most web3 applications, which uses the blockchain model/technolgy has become a beneficial medium between owners of the apps and its users.

    What makes this web3 structure intersting, is that it gives users more information about every application/platforms operating in this web3 model., which is a great blogging site, uses the web3 structure, which allows users accessing the internet to earn for their time being spent., which is not a get rich quick scheme, requires a users effort in building good reputation for him/herself. This growth in reputation makes the difference, showing that one has attain some certain knownledge in the hive eco system.

Unlike other web2 blogging platforms, where we won't find an organized community, Hive has being a perfect standed for the web3.

How the Internet makes us or breaks us ?

The end product of what we've benefited and added to the internet determines if we are being made or broken.
Most people using the web2 structure, are just limited to making contents in searching for likes and followers, while others are limited to chatting with people they don't even know. The developers of this web2 applications keep making billions from it users, while the users are losing the little they have.

Unlike the web2 structure, the web3 simply gives us opportunities to also gain from what we use. The ideas we share on the web3 structure are more valued, which tends to generate incomes for us.

My Opinion

Millions of internet users today, are finding it difficult to take care of their needs, but they still choose to spend their little resources on web2 platforms. As this internet era keeps moving further, we will start seeing users who are rich and those who struggle, due to the differences in the web they've choosen to operate on.

In Conclusion

The whole system has now being well structure. Even playing of games can now allow us to earn, unlike the old type of games where we spend our time without any beneficial factor. The web3 train is accelerating slower, and has not attain full velocity. This means that most persons still has the chance on joining the new internet era.

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You can also check out contents from @bradleyarrow and @pele23.


With internet, we can do lots more.. Nice write up

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