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RE: Tax-free rental income?

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Great post @olebulls.
I think the tax-free rental income can be a very good idea, but this sometimes requires proper timing.

I don't know about yours but i think from the part of the world where i live, property business seems to be a very good business. Such business ranges from estate, land, hotels, event center, etc.

What matters most is the location which all those business can be pictured. This would help generate more income as prices are quite different from those of different locations.


Absolutely, tax-free rental income can indeed be a favorable concept, but timing is "almost" everything. In the part of the world where I live, the property business, including real estate, land, hotels, and the like appears to be a lucrative venture. However, the key here is to find the right location, as varying prices in different areas can significantly impact income generation 😎
