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RE: 🍕Come Join The Party🍕

in LeoFinancelast year

Selling something is one thing, but making sure that profiting from food that is perishable like you said is another. 🤔 In that case, since !PIZZA with pineapples are easily available and sold around the world, then it is easy to determine that many people like pineapples on pizza. 🤓 !CTP


Indeed the sellingof pineapple on !PIZZA has nothing to do with profiting of perishable food. (At least here), the pineapple on pizza's is canned pineapple btw !LOL !CTP

James Bond slept through an earthquake
He was shaken, not stirred.

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@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @svanbo

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It looks like you have kept a close eye on where pineapples on !PIZZA come from! 😆😅 !LOL !CTP

Did anyone hear the rumor about butter?
Don’t worry I won’t spread it.

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@svanbo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

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Now that Isee the !CTP, you've been trying to reach out to the creator of #CTP to find out if they know about the problem and f there's a solution on the way?

I haven't directly reached out to the creator of CTP, because I assume they are already on the case, and especially because I don't know who is responsible for the !CTP tipping bot. 😅