Companies and communication - campus recruitment

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Of recent, I have been observing how some companies are handling communication.

Well, my son is in his last year of college and they are having recruitment programs. A few companies have approached their college and conducted interviews and tests. Some companies conducted online tests and a few students were selected and were given replies but those who were not selected were not even given a reply by the team stating that they were not.

The above struck me as odd because if a company is rated good enough to come and conduct tests in a reputed college, why not act up to it?


Communication and HR

The HR is responsible for the company to have a 'good' face. It is not good enough to select a few students and then make them work for a year or two before packing them off and doing yet another campus selection drive and proving that they are handing out opportunities to the student population.

The college authorities too should make sure that they bring in only those companies which will keep their promise and also overlook the whole test and interview process instead of just the paperwork.

The confidence and how rejection may affect the students

Students need to work on their confidence levels. Universities in India never really work on building up the confidence of the student. Instead, pressure is on them to score high marks and not worry about other stuff like looks and communication which ultimately affects how a student carries himself through an interview.

Rejection does affect a student and it can push him/her to walk away from the path of success. So, both the educational institution and the company have to be careful not to damage the morale of the student.

The teachers have a huge role to play in it and I am sure they can lead their class to the top. Being a parent is a responsibility but being a teacher is way more.

Only if companies handle communication properly will it have a name among the student population otherwise word of mouth or rather WhatsApp these days can ultimately mar the reputation of a company itself and thus be bereft of highly skilled candidates.

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