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RE: LeoThread 2023-02-09 15:52

Thread Life: Threading Ain't Easy

Man, threading is awesome but it does feel like I have a new daily task, sigh lol. Bitcoin selling off right now, come on cat wants to buy at 20K and below!


A task??

You're definitely doing it wrong man.

It's meant to be fun, social throwaway content!

Talk shit and smile 🙂.

Amen and pass the biscuits!

You guys are so funny. See how am smiling alone inside house 😃😃

Yeah man, @forexbrokr has it right. Cut out some other shit like long-form blogging or, I don't know, going to the bathroom, and #shitpost your way to financial freedom on #threads.

lmaooo you are just being a lazy Cat

It takes 10 seconds to fire off a #thread ;)