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RE: When did this happen?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Great article. Thanks for sharing.

The dawn of the 24-hr news cycle meant the end of the honest media era. You can't report the news in a timely fashion if you spend too much time verifying your sources.

The troubles associated with Google and Facebook are because of Google and Facebook policies. I mean, I feel like those companies need to hold themselves accountable. There's a lot of shady things going on with them.

Have a great night.


The dawn of the 24-hr news cycle meant the end of the honest media era.

And the hourly repetition allows for the misinformation to embed in the mind and nudge behavior.

I don't think they will self-regulate as their model is created to maximize, regardless of the cost and, cover their tracks with opaque systems. If they were to be held accountable publicly and have their profits threatened, they will shift.