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RE: Accessing CUBFinance from Phone, Bypassing Metamask entirely

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yeah, Metamask is complicated, a little bit but I did it. Also, I connect to LeoFi, find DEN but the problem I have right now is that I don't have any BNB for fees. Need to buy it somewhere and sent it to my Metamask... ugh... a really complicated process...


Hang in there mate! It's just the beginning that seems all fuzzy lol!

You can buy bnb on binance and send to your wallet directly using the Bep20(BSC) network. Pretty fast.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I know that. I have Binance account but it's more than three hours I'm waiting for verification code ... urgh ...

After clicking the "send code" button it takes 3 hours? :O

Well, I don't know. It's unusual. So I ask support via chat and they say I'll get the answer in 24 hours ... strange...