CPI, Leo Power UP and some Fun

in LeoFinancelast month


It's been a tumultuous week but at least everything has come to an end.
Been struggling in concentrating on both hive and trading but thanks to a bad entry on the after fade of the CPI buy.
My account has gone from huge bills to a nill.


Screenshot of my Trading account

Shockingly, I'm not that distraught. Maybe levels have changed from the boy who just started the forex journey and cried over every minus a pair gives him.

It doesn't mean that the loss doesn't hurt, it hurts bad.
Especially so as plenty of my colleagues earned from it.
One guy raised his account from 30$ to 300$ and made a video of it.

Watching that hurt😂

Regardless I know that getting on the news buy was luck.
Trading the after fade isn't. That's skill. A skill that I'm looking to polish before the next big news.
Sadly it seems instead of polishing it and making profits with a real account, I'm back to using my demo.


Shockingly my $LEO stack didn't grow as much as previous ones did.

Maybe because I didn't post as much with the front end?

Or did the daily payouts from my delegations reduce?

Anyways it came as a real shock to me that my liquid Leo didn't even pass 20.


Screenshot of my Keychain Wallet

It's been staked regardless, I don't really look at the amount but just trying to make it a habit of staking every fifteenth of the month.
Still maybe I would try threading more...
I do want to at the very least maintain a staking amount of 40 tokens.


Screenshot of my Keychain Wallet

Some Fun🥳

On my quest in finding a great headed picture for this post and maybe other posts in the future, I resorted to using something I never thought I would do.
That's right folks, even @seki1 has finally yielded to the allure of image generation.

What actually spurred this on was an Instagram post I saw of someone making an AI create an image of a duck, then a hardcore duck, an even more hardcore duck, the most hardcore duck, and so on..
It was fun to see how the AI responded to each prompt, making the duck more and more hardcore.
Twas simple and peak content and for that hea earned both a like and a comment from me.

Something I don't easily give on Instagram.

Well I had the same idea here using Meta Ai, and boy was it fun😂😂.









Am I the only one who sees the potential #inleo and those whom power up have within them?

So many powers🔥✨😂😂😂

This is Leo Power Up Day, a day where one is meant to power up the liquid Leo tokens he/she has accumulated since the last power up day.
This helps grow the users Leo stack ahd grow the Inleo community as a whole.

On the other hand there's still the #mayinleo initiative ran by @leogrowth.
Incase you have no Leo to power up now, no better time to start earning for next month than the present.



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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