What will be the effects of Kovit 19 on the world?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

The corona virus epidemic, which has affected almost the entire world, continues to upset the pisa from stock markets to oil prices, from interest rates to gold. US stocks dropped the hardest in 33 years on a daily basis last week. According to the world health organization, the virus will spread to all countries of the world and the number of affected countries will increase further.

Production, Tourism, Foreign trade and transportation came to a standstill. The tension in the market, the fear index, reached the highest levels since the 2008 crisis. The US central bank (fed) zeroed interest rates and initiated monetary expansion of $ 700 billion.

Measures to be taken
In my opinion, restrictions on public spending

Stopping payments with treasury guaranteed

Supporting the banking industry

Supporting the real sector

Postponing tax collections with zero interest

If the corona virus disappears within 2 months, I believe that the pressure based on inflation will be eliminated in these two months with the budget policy based on savings.

In your opinion, how do we get rid of the crisis caused by the Kovit 19 with minimal damage? What are your suggestions on the measures to be taken?

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