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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Happy Bitcoin Legal Tender Day (09/07/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am not really impressed with the pick of the new curators for the @leofinance whatever voting account. @whatsup is one of the new curators. Made a post and upvoted herself. Bad form, very bad form since, as far as I know, she is the only beneficiary of rewards. Does @hivewatchers care? As usual, no.

At least @acidyo has a set. I do too. WHALES do not scare me. Never have.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


lol, I'm not going to downvote you. No need to be brave.

Have a nice night Dan.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Would not care if you did love. You have a nice night too!

Honey Badger Do Not Tread on Me Created by Sgt-Dan

My thoughts about a new 🐬 logo. A refabrication of something I made a while back. That includes WHALES not treading on us. Just call me an Adams Federalist (John Adams is my cousin after all).

Most of you will not touch this comment with a ten foot pole. I get it. No use, as many of you are fairly new and even old timers don't want to be part of this drama.

Not impressed with this newest of curators who decides to curate herself. Folks with small amounts of HIVE don't get away with it, yet the OLIGARCHS of HIVE do? Tell me again how blockchain is different from the legacy economic situation we have now? @onealfa.leo did it, and I will do it. Calling out crap. I like @whatsup and it is nothing personal.

Play it safe and do not respond to this comment. We all know how it works. I just happen to be one of the self-sabotaging types. Never been part of the STEEM/HIVE politics. Shit is shit and this is shit.

South Park Stick of Truth

Dan, I'm not a hive whale. The purple whale avatar, is just an avatar.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So, along with everything else, you misrepresent yourself and false advertise? Some people have no shame (or ethics). 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wait 'til you find out I am also not purple. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta