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RE: Investopedia's Top 10 Most Important Cryptocurrencies in Review:

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I guess it comes down to hype. Ethereum has gone up to over $2,000 in price. It is great for those that can invest a great deal, but for small retail investors? Gas prices for small transactions are much too expensive. This is supposed to change in July with EIP, but we will have to see.

It looks to me from reading your post that you are bullish on BCH if I am interpreting correctly. For me? I will just stick with HIVE and its tokens for now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well Dan, I'm bullish on crypto that can be used in multiple ways, with ecosystems, low fees etc... that's why I got into Steem in the first place.

I agree on your ETH point, we'll see during the summer as you mentioned.
Cheers, thanks for stopping by.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

DM me Danno, cuz if all your bags are in HIVE you are missing out big time.
ETH does belong up there for sure...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta