
i HEAR YA @shadowspub . We sell shirts of the restaurant that my girl works out. Wanna know something odd tho. I have a couple colorful designs that say Yosemite on them. And then the same style with the restaurants name of them. Cafe sells more than the parks do. I dont get it.

likely because the Cafe is different ... People do like to get stuff that makes them kind of unique

That is true but it is hard to show expertise in a lot of areas. And when the numbers grow, where are people going to gravitate towards?

That is where building a brand enters. And it is hard to do that as a cross-section of many different communities.

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As I learned from Seth Godin some time ago, you don't have to be any more expert than knowing more than the reader you're creating content for. I create content on multiple subjects as I learn on multiple subjects. Some of them overlap.

In a world of billions, the concept of brand is what a person makes it. As a content creator, my brand is content that is either useful (my books) or informs (my writing).

Multiple audiences are not impossible to have. It can be one audience for one subject I'm known for or more that I'm known for.

In my offline community I'm known for my expertise in leadership, volunteerism and non-profits. Online I'm known for other things.