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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 22 - Saturday 28 May 2022 | HPUD - 1 June | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Good to hear you surpassed your comment target 😍.
Have you noticed any more people following you or engaging with your posts yet?
It may take a week or two to build up your profile and network.


Hello @shanibeer
I'm sure the increase will come eventually. Looking forward to seeing the effect of my consistent efforts over time.
Thanks for your on point advice. To be honest Hive is still a fun experiment for me.

I will continue building hive power on my journey until I find another worthwhile goal that sparks my interest.

Hope the plans for the UK hive event/linkup are going well.

Great that you are having fun 😍.

Hive event is going well, we have 16 booked already, but you know, it only two to have a conversation 😍

That's awesome. You must be bursting with anticipation.

Yes it only takes two unless ... I decide to talk to myself (lol)

😂 - I find you can always guarantee a quality conversation!

Lol 🤣