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RE: Breaking the Cycle

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Hi there, @bozz, I hear you 🙂!

I was in a similar place for a long time but I have gradually moved to another place over a couple of years. I had a reasonable salary and lived a comfortable life. However, over the past couple of years, I have changed my mindset. It happened by accident - I started the 365 savings challenge which, that year, was led by @spinvest (this year, I'm running it through the @eddie-earner account) and a very weird thing happened ... I developed a different attitude towards money and savings. I can't really describe it except to say I got right on top of things!

I have got some residual debt, but it's only there because financially it makes sense and I have a plan for it not being there when the time comes. Otherwise I only use credit cards to manage cashflow and, now, for online purchases so I'm not paying up front or until I decided to keep the item.

I've invested in crypto over the years, it would be very nice if I am able to make a little money, but I'm not depending on it to get the quality of life that I want. I regard it a bit like buying a lottery ticket - very nice if you win, but don't expect to 😂. If you do, it's a bonus!


Yes, that is a really great way to look at crypto. I try to invest like it was a trip to the casino. If it pays off awesome, if not, then oh well. At least my other investments besides Hive. This place has just become a way of life and a hobby. That is awesome that you have a whole new outlook. I bought some of the miners for EDSM. I hope they work out for me!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I try to invest like it was a trip to the casino.

That's a lot more fun than buying a lottery ticket 😁.

It is for me. Probably not as much for my wife!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta